Akrotiri Venue


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

With the new, pan-European law on the protection of personal data GDPR, in force since May 25, 2018, we need to analyze our policy and procedures for protecting our visitors’ personal data.

Our site collects data in order to work efficiently and offer you the best experience with our services. Some of these data are provided directly by you, such as your ip, as well as access details, such as if you are connecting from a mobile or a computer, your operating system, your browser, and individual components of your computer . Our site interacts with your computer by using small pieces of cookies stored on your computer, making our site use experience more effective.

In addition to this data that is automatically stored, many of your information is sent to us, through our contact forms, from your bids, comments on articles, chat, and any form of voluntary communication with our site .

How we use your personal information

Our site uses your data for statistical purposes, more personalized information about your needs, and for more effective communication between you and us, through communication formats, as well as historical retention.

Also some of your information may be used by us for promotional purposes such as newsletter, alerts, discounts, promotions, etc., always with your consent. At any time you can leave these lists.

Sharing of Personal Data

Our site uses open source and cms software as well as third-party applets and themes. Our site adheres to all data security rules. However, it is not responsible for any leakage from third-party manufacturers.

Also, analytical data is used by external companies we use, such as google to analyze statistics about your equipment, your online preferences, your age group, gender, etc. Many of these items are used to View more targeted promotions from advertising agencies.

How to access and control your personal information

From our site you can ask us to delete any information, email, form, request for quote that you have sent us. We may delete you from your login, account, your details, your history, etc. but under no circumstances can we do anything with any information collected by third parties about you. For example, google, plugin makers, themes etc.

Finally, in the event of data leakage from malware, illegal third party login to our management, software failure, server failure, or other equipment, we are committed to promptly inform you as well as to inform the responsible data protection authorities, but we can not we guarantee timely prevention of leakage.


Cookies are small text files that are stored in our browser while browsing the web. Their purpose is to notify the site that the user visits for his previous activity. They usually describe our information as a user name and a password for the purpose of visiting our site at a later time, remembering us and not having to login.

Cookies may come from the site we have visited or from third-party cookies, for example through ads. It is usually unhealthy, but it has been shown that third-party cookies collect information about the behavior of each user on the internet, which raises important questions about privacy. This has prompted the EU and the US to issue instructions for using and updating the user for each site that uses them. There are programs that clean up malicious cookies, and if the user wants to delete them, this feature is given through the web browser.


Cookies have the ability to offer personalized services that meet the individual needs of the particular user, ultimately aiming at increasing their traffic / profit. Cookies play a key role in the operation of the website as well as digital applications. They define how the presence of online media works, display and use, and each user personally defines them. To this extent, the provision of services and tools that appeal to every visitor and his needs has no precedent in the history of commerce. This new economy, based on advertising, purchasing and marketing of information, products and services globally, with only a border of user preferences and choices, has no precedent in human history.

Denial of responsibility

By using our site, using our services, sending forms by completing forms, browsing our websites automatically means that you have read, understood and accepted all of the above and disclaim any individual responsibility.

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